
Monday, 31 March 2014

Concept Art (Orianna)

Orianna is my own personal favorite champion.

She is my favorite because of her diverse and unique game play.

I love a challenge when I play video games and Orianna provides just this.

Orianna is a mechanical robot created by her father once he discovered his daughter passed away.

The robot acted as a replacement for his daughter, to fill that empty spot.

This art concept art is my most loved piece of concept art and I would love to see it come to life!!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Rune Page Balance ~

Introducing some new balanced changed to runes!!

With this new update there will be some changes to

  • Seals
  • Glyphs and 
  • Quintessences
Seals and Glyphs have had nerfs to the runes containing straight armor and health however, armor 

and health Seals and Glyphs which scale over the game duration have been buffed. This has been 

done to see more use for runes in the late game as well as the early game.

The Quintessence updates have effected cooldowns, lifesteal, and attack speed.

Cooldowns have been increased up to level 18.

Lifesteal has been reduced from 2% > 1.5%

Attack Speed has been increased.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Introducing the new Feature Team Builder!

Team builder has been introduced to bring more League of Legends together rather than pulling

them apart from all the fighting over what role they are going to play.

In Team Builder, summoners are able to select what role they want to play; for example they can

choose what lane they want to be in, they can choose what sort of champion they want to play

and finally they can choose how they want to play that champion. The reason Team Builder works

so well is because the players can select who they want on their teams. So, every team can be

as weird as they want it to be without having any problems with their allies.

It has recently been announced that Team Builder is officially a new game mode and it's in the

game for good!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Arctic Ops Varus Release!!

It's about time Varus got a new and improved skin. However, Varus' new skin isn't any ordinary

skin it's equipped with some awesome features and he suits the theme perfectly.

Here are some of the animations:

This skin has proven that Riot Games know how to create skins for their champions while also

being able to make the skin suitable for the champions play style and the bunch of people who

play Varus, thus making this a very worth buy for all the Varus players out there.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Super Galaxy Rumble!! ---

Here we have been given a sneak peek at the ever so exciting new Super Galaxy Rumble SKIN!

So far this is all that we have on this skin.

From this image we can note that Rumble is sitting inside a modern piece of technology.

Given from the name of the skin, Super Galaxy Rumble, it also hints to us that it would have to be

some sort of space technology.

Will we be seeing explosions and missiles or laser beams? Who knows?

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Heimerdinger Visual Update

The long wait and evident Heimerdinger changes are finally in action!

With Heimerdingers awesome mechanics, he has been rebuilt with awesome rockets, turrets and


Below is the animations and groovy rework for Heimer!

I think we're all excited fro this new release of Heimerdinger.

Monday, 10 March 2014

The Hero of a Fallen City

Another peek at a little bit of Rumble. There isn't much at this point about Rumble, this is all we've

got so far. In the weeks to come I'm sure there will be more hints to this developing skin.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

The Remaking of Xerath

It has been forever since they have actually released the rework of Xerath. They announced it

months and months ago and only now it is actually happening. Yes, I am glad they have updated

his kit because it was a little out-dated. Riot preformed this re-work because they want to

modernize the older champions of League of Legends.

Here is a video of Xerath's rework on the PBE

Friday, 7 March 2014


Hexakill bringing a whole new experience to League of Legends. Creating and allowing for more

strategies, out plays and much more!

Hexaikll was loved by everyone however, like all good things it ended.

Although, Hexakill will surely be back one day for everyone to enjoy!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Vel'Koz Concept Art

Along with the release of Vel'Koz there was also the release of his 'Battlecast Skin' which is

outstanding and suitable for this champion.

Here's a little view of his kit:


Vek’Koz – the newest champion is League of Legends. Kel’Koz brings a whole new aspect to the game, with his unique setup and play style. Although he is somewhat mobile he makes up in damage however, Vel’Koz’s damage is only optimal through a combination of other spells. To play him successfully you need to consistently hit spells because the more you hit the more damage they deal. Due to this aspect of Vek’Koz, he becomes a high risk high reward champion. Vel’Koz respectively fits into the middle lane, this being because he is an ability power champion , meaning he is able to deal high bursts of damage.