
Wednesday, 30 April 2014


After the voting for champions and players for ALL STARS it has been decided whom is going to

compete in this major event in history.

ALL STARS will be featuring Team Fire and Team Ice.

On Team Fire there will be:

  • Thresh
  • Ezreal
  • Zed
  • Leesin
  • Lucian
And on Team Ice there will be
  • Thresh
  • Vayne
  • Anivia
  • Lucian
  • Leesin
The ALL STARS will be taking place in Paris on the 8th of May 2014.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Twitch Visual Update

Introducing Twitches new and improved look.

Twitch being one of the older champions was due a rework it was only a matter of time before it


Twitches animations, looks, skins, voice, movement and splash art have all been changed and

updated for the best.

Taking a look at the visual update - his animations and new look:

Friday, 25 April 2014

Braum Revealed


Braum is the biggest release since Jinx was released in early december.

The build up for Braums release has been massive and there is yet plenty of information to come in

the next few weeks.

So far Braum is known for his big heart and his lovely facial hair.

To help the reveal of Braum this video was released:

This little tease has people biting their tongues waiting for the release!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

4.6 Patch Notes

In the 4.6 Patch Notes for League of Legends there have been several notable changes.

These changes include the champions:
  • Aatrox
  • Kassasin
  • Rengar
  • Twitch
  • Gragas
  • Maokai and
  • Rumble
There has only been one alter to an item on Summoners Rift, Wriggles Lantern.

While also having an update on the Summoner spell Heal 

The effect if Heal has been reduced to allies who have already been healed this is due to the 

overwhelming amount of heals being used by one team. The objective of this nerf is to reduce

The amount of people using the summoner spell heal on a team.

Some minor updates on the Howling Abyss, Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar maps. 

Monday, 21 April 2014

Concept Art (Twisted Fate)

Twisted Fate has been a loved champion by everyone. Recently he has had a rework to his visual

appearance as well as his animations and voice. 

Twisted Fate has had so many wonderful art concepts and I would like to show you one of my 

personal favorites of his concept arts.


A Noxus Twisted Fate skin would rather, contrast the rest of his skins.

Although it may contrast his current skins this skin would most defiantly suit him regardless.

Thanks to user yy6242 on deviantart for this image. They can be fount here on their deviant art

profile -

Sunday, 20 April 2014


URF (Ultra Rapid Fire) is loved by everyone. The game mode where everything serious about the game has been

removed. Mana costs were removed and cooldowns were all reduced to 80%.

This game mode brought a whole new experience to League of Legends. It allowed for players

to jump out of their serious game play and step into a crazy house of fun!

So, after URF being so popular during its time available it has been decided that URF will be

coming back in one way or another.

Friday, 18 April 2014

PAX Cosplay!

For those of you who don't know what Pax is, it is basically a convention for people to gather for

many different events in the one place. Pax can feature video games, board games, cosplayers,

music, mass gatherings, card games and also hosts exhibitions.

PAX Cosplay featured many surprising and outstanding cosplayers.

This includes:

Arcade Hecarim and Kitty Kat Katarina

Lady Rengar

Garen and Steel Legion Garen

Dark Valkyrie Diana

Full Metal Jayce

And you can find a whole lot more of this awesome cosplay here -

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Void Vizz

The creepy void champion Fizz just got more creepy with his new scary yet cool skin.

Fizz is one of those champions that you just want to forget. He is capable of jumping into the

enemy team, killing the high priority targets, and then jumping back out without a scratch.

Fizz's new skin Void Fizz comes with new animations, voice and splash art.

Below are the abilities:

Thursday, 10 April 2014

4.5 Bot Update

The 4.5 Bot Update is focused around improving and further developing the AI part of the game.

Whilst in a game against a bot there were some evident and unrealistic properties which they

held. Such as running into a team without retaliation and following for a kill for far too long.

The following are the changes:

  • Improved evaluation of enemy and friendly strength.
  • Improved understanding of tower mechanics and power.
  • Improved behaviors while under high threat.
  • Improved lane rotation decision making.
  • Improved last hitting with auto-attacks both when farming normally and when pushing.
  • Lane behaviors (harassing vs. farming, etc) are now more in line with human behaviors.
  • Bots now attempt to dodge some skill shots.
  • Beginner bots now build recommended items, while Intermediate bots now make more advanced item choices.
  • Bots now scan their surroundings at variable rates depending on difficulty setting and in-game threat level.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

SKT Skins Revealed

So, we've all been waiting for the announcement of the World Championship SKT skins!!

Here we are, they have been announced however, we have yet to see what they look like.

SKT skins will be avaliable for the champions

  • Impact's Jax
  • Bengi's Lee Sin
  • Faker's Zed
  • Piglet's Vayne
  • PoohManDu's Zyra
We will all be waiting in anticipation for when we get a glimpse at the skins.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Super Galaxy Rumble is ready to ROCK!

The new Super Galaxy Rumble skin is ready to rock.

It is a flashy new skin which is proven to be modern.

Rumble with flames, rockets and blasts of fun.

Below is a peek at his new abilities:

Sunday, 6 April 2014

URF Top Plays

Oh, the beloved URF. During the short period of time URF was available there were some funny

and memorable moments.

First off was a showdown between two LeBlanc's:

Next off is a Riven play, catch me if you can!:

Lastly here is the famous perma-stun by Brand:

These are just a few of the many funny moments on URF.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Concept Art (Thresh)

Officer Thresh Skin Idea. by MrBrobaFett

Officer Thresh??

Officer Thresh is a cool concept for a Thresh skin. Hoping to clean up the streets of Summoners

Rift with his groovy police lights and hand cuff hook!

There isn't much known about the progress of this skin however, is it said there will be

avalable 3D models of this skin soon.

I would like to thank MrBrobaFett on deviantart his deviantart is here: